Friday, December 19, 2014

Conquering The Fear of Cold Calling by Kim Michael-2008

Conquering The Fear of Cold Calling

By Kim Michael


Kim Michael is a nationally recognized author of Business Development articles, public speaker, teacher, ghost writer and novelist. His current writing project is a revolutionary new Project/Website entitled "The Quintessential Salesman”, devoted to the Inspiration, Encouragement and Empowerment of Sales Professionals to reach their full potential. 

As energy prices continue to skyrocket and the cost of travel dramatically increases, companies large and small are once again turning to the telephone.  Though it continues to be one of the most cost effective tools in the sales arsenal of business outreach tools, as anyone who has ever been in sales will tell you, “cold calling” is one of the most intimidating and difficult tasks you can undertake. I have seen former CFOs, and CEOs, sweat beading on their foreheads, hands trembling, as they made call after call, only to fail miserably.  

What many fail to realize is that using the telephone effectively is a cultivated skill.  Experience does not replace expertise and unless an individual has made the investment in understanding and developing this highly specialized communication skill, it is unreasonable to expect that they can succeed using it. 

By far the greatest common denominator for failure is fear.  No one wants to admit it, but even seasoned sales professionals cringe at the idea of making cold calls.  So what is it about making a cold call that strikes such fear in us?  We all fear what we don’t understand. Developing a methodology that allows you to break down the process and replace the unknown with something that is well planned and emotionally comfortable is where we have to begin. Like any skill, using the telephone requires practice, knowledge, and above all patience.     
At this point it is important to distinguish the difference between telemarketing and actual telephone prospecting. The concept of tele-marketing is different than true sales prospecting, particularly B to B, or B to C sales. It is a simplistic approach based on the use of marginally successful predigested dialogue that often is written by people who don’t understand the fundamentals of successful telephone usage themselves. It is also perceived to be solely numbers driven.  Unfortunately what works for basic “widget” sales significantly changes when you cross the widget boundary into the world of large, complex, and often protracted business relationships.  
Though ultimately, numbers are important, it is not so much the number of calls you make, as much as it is the number of effective calls you make.  In fact, making too many calls with no results should be the first red flag that you’re not making the right kind of calls. Any telephone effort that is not “results” driven rather than numbers (or task) driven will never reach its full potential.       

Developing a methodology that increases potential is where the true success of using the telephone begins.  The following is a step by step approach to the techniques, that when applied to the individual talents of the seasoned professional, transforms the common telephone into one of the most viable and effective tools in the first offensive line of any company. 

As with any business the selling cycle of your particular company is unique and my intention is not to imply that all business outreach criteria are the same, but the fundamental way you go about getting your message across is.  Even so, it is important that you realize that you still have to do the heavy lifting yourself; these are only the guidelines that will enable you to get you there.    

Before making the first call it is important to make adequate preparations. It begins with product knowledge and understanding your market, and how your product or service fits 
into that landscape.  


Create a master plan.  Set up your target prospects.  Both time and momentum are lost when you have to stop to think about who to call next.    


The first five seconds of a call will often determine how an entire relationship is defined.  Introductions should be fluid and concise; and your voice should be relaxed and succinct. Remember the most important element of a successful call is telling the recipient what they need to hear, not what you want to tell them.  As with all sales initiatives, it’s also about listening, not only to what a prospect says, but also the way he or she says it.  Knowledge is the driver, but emotions are the vehicle.  


I am not an advocate of canned scripts, but having fluid and concise talking points and practicing them until they become second nature is extremely important.  It is easy to fall into the mindset that sophisticated rhetoric implies professionalism. It doesn’t.  We all think and remember in three second intervals so making statements simple and concise tends to get the message across more effectively, without sounding pretentious. Stumbling verbally is the surest way to imply a lack of expertise and you risk loosing control of the call.  


Use the Internet to familiarize yourself with your prospect.  If the Internet is not available there are various publications that will give you a quick overview of your prospects and then consider how they can best use your product or service.  If the prospect has a past history, review those notes as well, but don’t allow yourself to be tainted by the previous sales person’s lack of success. Take time to reach your own conclusions.  

You can also use reference material to find out the names of various individuals within the organization. Mentioning familiar names or market specific trends in a conversation implies a common history. Using names within the organization, particularly management names, will imply that you have other relationships within the organization and will significantly lessen the tendency of some lower-level individuals to try to shut you down prematurely.  

6. NAMES: 

Practice pronouncing difficult names.  If a name is particularly difficult, write it out phonetically and put it in your notes for easy reference. The fastest way to ruin the illusion of an implied history is to mispronounce a name.  I will often call the CFO’s office (even though he or she may not really the individual that I want to reach) just to be referred to a particular person or office. “I just spoke with Bob Peterson’s office and it was suggested that you would be the best person to talk to.” The likelihood of someone trying to get rid of you is far less if you are referred by someone higher up.  The more you know about your business and the various players, the more you will be able to overcome the obstacles that can suddenly pop up.

Secretaries have an ever-evolving responsibility as “gatekeepers”.  They should always be referred to as “assistants” and they can make a huge difference in your success. Always use their names when talking to them and always have the sound in your voice that you already know them. People respond unconsciously to a warm voice that sounds familiar.  


Again the first five seconds of a call are critical.  Even before giving your initial introduction, try asking a question using that person’s name.  “Sarah, can you help me I’m not sure I’m in the right place?”  This stops the initial qualifying that we all do and focuses the individual on helping you rather than trying to size you up.  Thanks to telemarketers we are all increasingly sensitive to the canned “How are you today?”  True, it is a question, but it’s the wrong question. 

           A. Every call requires a business plan. Before you call, you should already know what 
             you want to accomplish.  

          B. Make an outline of all the  information variables that you will need to make the 
               call and the goal successful.  
          C. Questions are the key to understanding any opportunity.  Take time to consider 
               the questions you need to ask and how you will ask them.  You can often lead 
               a sales process just by asking questions and how those questions are answered 
               will often tell you how serious your prospect really is.   
          D. Determine the decision makers from the decision influencers.  How many deals have
               been lost just because the  wrong people were involved?   


Positioning is one of the finer nuances of telephone sales and perhaps one of the most critical.  In a way, positioning is like an acting job; it is the art of sounding as if you are on the same level as your prospect, whether they are a manager, or a director, or even a CFO.  
This does not mean you should try to mimic these levels, but you should have the same tonal comfort and familiarity in your conversation. People are more relaxed and typically more honest when they perceive they are talking to a colleague.  
As you begin to develop this technique of “Implied Same Status”, keeping your voice relaxed and friendly also requires “balance”.  It is easy for “friendly” to become “gushy” or worse, pretentious, and once that boundary is crossed, it is very hard to go back. I once had a trainee listen to my calls so she could better understand the dynamics.  At the end of the day she said to me, “This was helpful, but tomorrow can we call people who don’t already know you?”  She looked surprised when I told her,  “We already did.”  The truth was every call I made that day was to people I didn’t know.  The illusion was not perceptible, even to someone who was looking for it.So why does the sound and intonation of your voice make such a difference?  

We all have an unseen “Body Language” to the way we speak. At least 75% of what we communicate when we talk (even on the phone) is non-verbal.  If your speech pattern is uneven, or laced with nervous breaks, or you unconsciously use a reverse inflection (ending sentences with a rise making them sound questioning) it sounds as if you are unsure of what you are saying, or worse, untruthful.  If you sound anxious, your prospect unconsciously will become anxious as well. We transfer what we project.  Even a smile can be heard and felt.  

Also you must learn to listen while you talk. People will tell you if they are listening. They will respond, shake their heads, make sounds (often non-verbal) of agreement or disagreement. These are called “listening receipts” and if you aren’t getting them, they probably aren’t listening. You never want a person to stop listening before you stop talking.  If you sense this is happening, ask a question.  Soliciting a response is a good way to regain control.  
Understanding these basic personality links and how they reflect in our speech patterns helps us understand how what we say is perceived, and absorbed, by others.  The way to best develop this skill is to listen to yourself. Using a tape recorder is one way, but the best way I’ve found is to call my own voice mail and leave a message.  When you do this, you will hear things that you have never heard before and ultimately, you will never sound believable to others, if you don’t first sound believable to yourself. 


1. TITLES:    
 Use self-describing titles that are devoid of the word “sales”.  The mere word 
 “sales” in any context tends to set an expectation that can put some prospects
 on the defensive.  Introduce yourself as a business manager or some 
 other “non sales” delineation.        

When a  prospect asks for something, respond immediately. Waiting gives 
them time to forget you, or worse, why you called.  


Never assume that just because you have not heard back from a prospect 
that they are not interested.  When I teach telephone techniques I tell 
people (jokingly of course), You need to stamp this on your forehead 
so you see it every morning when you look in the mirror; PEOPLE DON
CALL BACK.  You have to lead the process.  


Never react negatively.  This is by far one of the most difficult aspects 
of telephone prospecting, but it is also one of the most critical.  You can 
make an enemy and doom your chances of a sale in a heartbeat if you 
allow yourself to get caught up in a negative call.  As an associate of 
mine always says, “Take the high ground, because in the final analysis, 
it is the only way to see where you’re going and how best to get there.”


When you send an email or a contract, always call back to verify that it was 
received. At the same time schedule your follow up call.  This will tell you 
how serious your prospect really is, and at the same time, insure they won’t 
be perturbed when you call back.  When you do finally make the follow up 
call, reference your previous call, who you are, why you called and their suggestion 
of the best time to follow back up with them.  Countless deals have been lost 
only because the prospect forgot about the original call and was too embarrassed 
to admit it.     


Always try to talk to a “live” person.  If you get a voicemail hit “0” and see where 
it takes you.  The road to failure is littered with people who leave voice mails 
thinking the prospect will call back.  Again always remember, PEOPLE DON’T 
CALL BACK.  If you can’t talk to the targeted person, the next goal should be 
to talk to his or her assistant. If “0” doesn’t take you to someone else, hang up 
and call back and find a live person (it is that important).


Anthropologists study the movement of prehistoric man by looking up to the cave’s 
ceiling. Tracking the soot and smoke residue of campfires and torches help them 
determine where the inhabitants spent their time and how they lived.  To some 
extent, that is what you do when you talk to assistants or secretaries:  Does your 
prospect come in early, do they stay late?  When is the best time to call back?  
Even when are they most likely to be sitting at their desk with no gatekeeper 
around?  Getting email addresses and/or direct phone numbers (even fax 
numbers) will also help you shortcut the time it takes to make the connection.    


Never accept a door that closes.   Every company has at least five doors through 
which you can enter and if one closes it doesn’t mean the effort is dead. I 
have seen inexperienced sales people continue to try to sell the prospect long 
after he or she has said no.  This is very dangerous in that you can create 
enemies that could hurt you later on.  It is always best to move on with a smile and 
try not to give them a bad reason to remember you. 


 Voice Mails can be dead-ends, or they can be a great communication tool. Never 
 leave a message expecting a call back.  Again the cardinal rule is--PEOPLE DON’T 
 CALL BACK. They do, however, listen to their voicemails, and they usually listen
 to the entire message.  It is a great way to leave a brief overview of why you’re calling, 
 and also some “hook” that will catch a prospect’s interest.  If you can call back later 
 that day or the next, you’ve given them a reason to take your call.  Never wait more 
 than a day to return a call.      

          A.  TONAL EXECUTION:

         Voice mails should always be made exactly like a “live” call.  The same 
         intonation, the same warmth and they should always be as short as possible. 
         Initially, say your name slowly and even a bit over pronounced, then leave 
         your “direct” number. Using the term “direct” promotes the idea that you 
         are not a sales person.  Follow it with a concise one or two sentence overview 
         of who you are and why you’re calling, and finish the call by restating 
         your name and number again, not that you really expect them to call back, but 
         because it is expected.  


        Earlier we discussed the value of listening to yourself on a recorded call, but 
        what about listening to a prospect’s voice mail? I have purposely called companies 
        early in the morning, or after hours just to listen to my prospect’s voicemail 
        introduction.  You can learn a great deal about how to communicate with 
        an individual by first hearing how they communicate with the world at large.
        Invariably, people will introduce themselves as they preferred to be addressed. 
        If they use Mr. or Ms., you can minimize the distance this automatically creates 
        by saying the salutation, not as a title, but as a name.   People also tend to listen    
        at the same speed that they speak, so when leaving a voice mail, or when you      
        speak directly with them, pace your message accordingly.  If you talk at the same 
        speed they listen, they are more likely to absorb what you say.   They are more 
        likely to trust you as well.  There is a reason why the term “fast-talker´ has 
        evolved to mean someone who is untrustworthy or disingenuous.       


        If the effort to make a contact takes a long time (days or even months), try to 
       vary the content of the voicemails you leave. Leaving the same message only 
       insures that your message will be erased sooner.  Also include a quick statement
       that you understand they are busy and probably haven’t been able to get 
       around to returning the call.  You never want the lack of response to be 
       because your contact is embarrassed that they haven’t called you back.


      Keep a list of numbers by your phone and intermittently call them throughout the 
      day, trying to vary the times, but not always leaving a message.  Eventually you will 
      make the connection and if you have taken the time to space out the messages 
      that you’ve left, and varied them, they are more likely not to be upset. This is where 
      a time date stamped contact management system is helpful.  When you make follow up 
      calls you are always more likely to get a person at the same time when you first 
      got them.  

      E.  EMAILS:

       Even though I prefer not to use emails, they can be particularly useful if you are 
      transferring information via a gatekeeper or assistant. Second generation 
      information is almost always flawed. Putting a concise message in their hands of 
      why you’re calling and who you are can be very helpful. If your message is 
      complicated, this insures that the decision maker gets the message you want 
      them to have. Again the message needs to be short and concise.  The higher 
      in the food chain the recipient is, the more concise the message needs to be.  


      Once the call is completed, make notes, particularly the positives and negatives 
      that the prospect has given you. Respond immediately to requests, and begin 
      to form the plan that will lead to the close.  
Mastering these simple techniques will not insure that you will close every deal, but it will allow you to competently create an environment in which a favorable decision can be made, and that after all, is the ultimate goal of an initial cold call.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Most Powerful Tool in the Sales Arsenal by Kim Michael 2009

Kim Michael  Published 2009 The American Salesman 

So what is the single most powerful force in the universe of man?  What has the power to move mountains?  Change the course of mighty rivers?  Create vast cities, or even reach beyond the farthest stars?

Taking out everyone’s automatic default answer of “God,” what are you left with?  If your answer is the power of human thought, as intuitive as that answer may be, you would still be wrong. 

“Thought” by virtue of its very nature is only a vehicle.  Its components: knowledge--which is the accumulation of what we know, and wisdom--how we use what we know, are really nothing without the one key that unlocks the power that is within them. 

Einstein once said  ”If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on it I would use the first 55 minutes to formulate the right question because as soon as I had identified the right question, I knew I could solve the problem in less than five minutes.”

Yes, the answer so fundamental in it’s simplicity that it is easily overlooked, is in fact, the power of a “question”.  Every sales person knows the value of communication and listening in the sales process.  Asking questions is probably the most fundamental component of any interactive communication and yet, like walking, it is not something that we learn through disciplined methodology, we just do it.  But like so many skills that we merely acquire, the only way that we can truly understand and improve it is to step back, forget that it is something that we’ve done all our lives and see it as if we are looking at it for the first time.  Only then can we see and appreciate the amazing power that a question can have.      

Questions define what we know and understand.  A universe of questions can exist without answers, but no answer, not one, can exist without a question.  They create the pathways of illumination and discovery that allow us to move forward.  The very process of asking a question focuses all one’s knowledge, all one’s wisdom in one direction, in a regiment of analysis and discovery that is unique and singular to the pursuit of a specific truth.   The greatest advances in human history all began with simple questions; “What if?”  “How?”  “Why?”

A friend of mine who is a noted Professor at the University of Syracuse, and one of the country’s foremost experts in Advanced Statistical Analysis, once told me; “The creative mind without the discipline of methodology accomplishes little.”  He made the comment while trying to explain to me the context of his “other” job.  In addition to his rigorous teaching, writing and lecture schedule (his day job), he shared with me that the U.S. government actually flies him around the country to work with various “think tanks.”

That doesn’t mean to say that he knows, or even understands, everything they do, but what he gives them is a methodology that makes it possible for them to find the answers they might not otherwise have found.  And the tools he uses to do this?  He develops a series of questions that when asked, create a very concise pathway for them to follow.

So what does this have to do with you and me?  Success in life, success in business, really success in everything, hinges on our ability to ask questions and find answers, but not just any questions—as Einstein put it, it has to be the “right” questions.

We live in times of extraordinary economic upheaval, banks failing, major industries on the brink of collapse.  The truth of it is, it didn’t just happen.  The seeds of these disasters were sown months ago; years ago; perhaps even decades ago.  But the reason why it all happened, and continues to happen, is simple.  In each instance there was a moment, an intersection, where that individual or company could go right instead of left.  And at that precise moment, the one critical question, the “right” question, was never asked.  The true relevance to our understanding in this case is not so much what that question actually was, or is, but rather, why it was never asked?       

If there is a “dark side” in learning to ask the “right” questions, this is it.  Sometimes it’s about asking the really “hard” questions; the ones no one wants to ask; the ones we can only ask when our defenses are down and we are searching for the cold, hard, brutal truth.  These are the questions that we avoid because they don’t tell us what we “want” to hear.  It is easy to knowingly, or unknowingly, to bias a response, but in so doing we can skew an answer in directions that might otherwise have allowed us to make a better decision. 

How many companies have gone down in flames simply because they didn’t ask the hard and painfully honest questions?  Is this really working?  What can I do differently?  What if?   Often times it takes as much courage as it does skill, to ask the kinds of questions that are truly meaningful. 

To be truly effective questions need detailed qualifiers and quantifiers so they produce the right outcome.  Often a small, overlooked detail can change dramatically the entire tenor of a question and with it, the consequence of an unanticipated outcome—a case in point.    

For many years it was a closely guarded secret that at the outset of the space race, the first Redstone rocket developed and launched in Huntsville, Alabama (before there was a Cape Canaveral) actually blew up on the launching pad.  The event, if publicly known, would have had a damaging effect on what was the infancy of our space program and so it was kept quiet until they had enough time to find out what had happened.  The culprit?  A single comma had been omitted in one of the initial propulsion programs.   

Now in this case it was not a faulty question that caused the unexpected outcome, but it is worth mentioning only because it demonstrates that in these times of advanced and extraordinary technology our search for answers must also be exacting and precise.       

So how do the “right” questions affect the sales process?  Questions are intricate tools, and when you begin to think of them and use them as such, you begin to learn how to unlock the power that they can wield.  

A close friend who is one of the most talented and successful salespeople I have ever met once told me, “Most sales people spend too much time trying to perfect what they want to tell potential clients and not nearly enough time perfecting the questions they need to ask?”

Religiously before every meeting she said she would outline all the questions she wanted to ask, ranking them by the importance of their answers.  Then she would make a second list of all the questions she knew they would ask her, making sure that her answers were short, concise, and always focused in the direction she wanted to go.  She controlled the flow of the meeting by using questions, not only as a means of information gathering, but as a discovery method, a way of helping her potential clients discover for themselves why they should do business with her.  

She said that she could even stop the most intense argument, or disagreement, simply by asking a question.  It seems even the most accomplished multi-tasker can not argue and answer a question at the same time. 


Building an Effective Question  

Constructing an effective question is much like what a mechanical engineer does when designing a machine.  Initially he or she must decide in detail what they want the machine to do.  Then they design the components around the outcome.  

Creating an effective question is much the same process. You must first decide what kind of answer you want. All too often the demise of a good question is that it is not focused to give you the answer you need.  The evidence of this is in using the ultimate questionary tool—the internet.  How many times have you typed in a question only to find you’ve gotten thousands of responses?  

That same demise happens in the questions we ask everyday, but because we don’t have the immediate response of thousands of answers, we fail to realize the faultiness of the question we’ve asked.  A good example, “How can I be more successful?”  There are literally hundreds, maybe thousands of answers, and like using the internet only a few are of any value.  What we often mistake for a “specific” question is really a “category” question (questions resulting in multiple answers because they lack qualifiers and quantifiers to narrow the response).  Qualifiers are used to chip away the parts of answers that we don’t need and quantifiers limit the scope. 

The better question would be, “What can I do right now that will have an immediate impact?”  Now you’ve limited the scope to situations that are real and already in existence, secondly you’ve assigned a timeframe--“now”.   The question has gone from a question that could have been both philosophical and concrete to one that is solely concrete and actionable.  

Sometimes a question can be too specific, especially if you are trying to create multiple options.  By limiting the qualifiers and quantifiers you broaden the scope to create more than one option.

 Basic sales 101 teaches us that all questions fall into two main Headings; “Open Probes” and “Closed Probes”.  Open Probes are considered “exploratory” tools, meaning their responses requires dialogue rather than a simple “yes” or “no”.  There are many different types of “open” questions, the most prominent being:   

1.    Category Questions--Questions that create multiple options or answers.

2.    Specific Questions--Questions that focus on only a few or only one answer.

3.    Philosophical Questions--Questions that are subjective to the person who is answering.

4.    Concrete Questions—Questions whose answers are detailed and actionable.

5.    Discovery Questions--Questions whose answers are already known by the asker and are used to lead a conversation in a specific direction.  This is used many times by attorneys, but the critical (and tricky) component of such a question is, “never ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to”.  

As you probably suspect by now there are many complexities and nuances in learning to construct the “right” question.  Whether it’s seeking to understand elements that were once beyond our grasp, or simply breaking us out of the monotony of mindless routine.  To be truly successful in all aspects of life we have to constantly ask the questions that challenge us, that inspire us, that open us to new possibilities and allow us to reach beyond the safety of our own comfort zones.  When we learn to craft these questions properly and effectively, that is when we hold the key that truly unlocks the universe.    

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sales: The Noble Profession... By Kim Michael

By Kim Michael  Published The American Salesman 2013.

Some years ago I attended a business leadership meeting of a medical collections company.  In that meeting one of the operations directors stood up and asked a question about a pending sales contract, and she prefaced her remarks by saying, “I’m not a salesperson and I don’t want to be.”

Bob (not his real name), an older man who reputedly had been the CFO of a local hospital system and newly hired to the sales staff, shook his head and flippantly said, ‘’Yea, well who does?”

Everyone laughed…except me.  My immediate impulse was one of anger and my first thought was, “If you don’t want to be salesman, you don’t need to be in sales”.  But confronting him would not have benefited either of us, not to mention that it goes against one of my own cardinal rules and that is to never to react out of anger.

Even so, I find it interesting, and actually more than a little frustrating, that many people are reluctant to admit that they are in sales, as if it was a profession to be looked down on.  I also find it interesting that people who are not in sales, often believe that sales is a catch all profession for those who can’t succeed at doing anything else.  And of course the greatest curiosity of all are “those” individuals who consider themselves experts in a particular field and think that it automatically makes them experts in selling products or services in that field.

In all three cases they are wrong.  Professional Sales is a discipline as complex and demanding as law, or medicine, or any other professional career.  Certainly it requires a thorough knowledge of the product or service that is being sold, but that is just the beginning and not the end.  A true sales professional is a consultant, a physiologist, a business strategist, a teacher, a negotiator, a magician, and so much more.

From the first moment mankind realized that he had to rely on the products and skills of others to survive, and the idea of universal currency came along, sales (and salespeople) have been the great intersection of human need and satisfaction of that need.
The great wheels of industry do not even begin to turn until something is sold.  The greatest developments in civilization have come, not from the innovators who made those discoveries, but by those who followed; the pioneers of sales, who, in their own right, turned those discoveries into goods and services that everyone could enjoy.  Technology, food, spices, hard and soft commodities, culture; everything that has taken our civilization to the next level, is in part, the result of a salesperson somewhere along the line.  These are history’s true unspoken heroes for they have transformed our lives by making the greatest discoveries accessible and attainable to the common man.  

Given that fact, it still surprises me how few people respect people in sales and yet, truth be known, without salespeople, most of them would wake up tomorrow and not have jobs.

The one demise of great salespeople, unlike any other professional discipline, is they make what they do look easy.  Business owners and managers often undervalue their sales people because they think that any one can do it.  It seems the people who benefit the most from having successful salespeople are often the ones who appreciate them the least, and when management begins undervaluing its sales force, the first to go in the downward spiral is their best salespeople.  True, they may be able to struggle by with only marginal people, but the true metric of business (and of failure) is not where you are, but where you could have been.  Some of the greatest losses in the commercial history are footnoted by the simple reality that there will always be those who think you can kill the goose and still get the golden eggs.

So returning to the story of the CFO who made the comment “So who does?”  That one comment capsulated everything that he was, and moreover, everything he was not.

I watched him arrogantly make call after call without success sometimes forty or fifty in a day.  All his experience in the medical industry and in finance foundered miserably on the rocks and after six months, he had only set one meeting and after eight months had still sold nothing.

His four word comment, “Yea, well who does?” defined him adequately.  He did not want to be a salesperson and he found out, as did everyone else did, that he wasn’t one.

Another month went by and he was let go.  I happened to pass by his office as he packed up his things, slamming them into a card board box, still arrogantly blaming everyone but himself.     
It is not surprising.  Less than a few percentage points of the people who are experts in any given field, even those who create the new frontiers in products or services, will actually benefit from them.  The reason is simple.  Selling is not product driven, but people driven.  The best product in the world in the hands of someone who does not know how to interact and influence people, will go no where, which only goes to prove that the most important element in the sales process is not the product or service that is being sold, it is the salesperson who is selling it.

As we begin the journey into understanding sales and more importantly the fundamental elements that make up the Quintessential Salesman, you will begin to see beyond the moment of a sales event and see it rather as an intersection of many different converging pathways.  Success or failure does not begin with the begins with the salesperson.